
Transaction Advisory

Invest­ments and trans­ac­tions are often com­plex and require care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion. Our legal, com­pli­ance and risk ser­vices include gen­er­al cor­po­rate and trans­ac­tion advisory.

  • Review and nego­ti­a­tion of legal and com­mer­cial terms across var­i­ous asset class­es, incl. the advice on legal and reg­u­la­to­ry impli­ca­tions con­cern­ing an invest­ment (pri­vate equi­ty, ven­ture cap­i­tal, pri­vate debt, infra­struc­ture and real estate)
  • Per­for­mance of legal due dili­gence, sub­mis­sion of “red flag”–reports and action plan­ning to mit­i­gate poten­tial findings
  • Draft, nego­ti­ate, and review of doc­u­ments (includ­ing share sub­scrip­tion agree­ments, share pur­chase agree­ments, share­hold­ers agree­ments, employ­ment agree­ments, etc.
  • Nego­ti­ate direct and indi­rect arrange­ments for man­agers and investors, includ­ing secure pro­tec­tions, anti-dilu­tion rights and influ­ence on under­ly­ing port­fo­lio companies
  • Advise spon­sors on car­ry arrangements

Do you have any questions? Let’s talk with us.

If you have a ques­tion, urgent query or require sup­port, please do not hes­i­tate to reach out to us. 
Please let us briefly know your case and one of our team mem­bers will be hap­py to assist you.


Webinar zum neuen FINMA Rundschreiben 2025/2 zu den Verhaltensregeln nach FIDLEG / FIDLEV

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