Beat Widmer, lic. oec. HSG, Finance
Quant. Risk Manager
For 20 years, Beat Widmer worked at well-known companies such as Swiss Re, Deutsche Bank and Vontobel in institutional asset management as a portfolio manager and most recently as CIO. He spent the first 10 years of his professional career in the financial market in investment banking at JP Morgan in Zurich and New York and at SBC Warburg in Zurich, London and Chicago as a trader and risk management adivsor.
Beat Widmer holds a degree in banking economics (lic.oec.HSG) and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Beat Widmer joined Avelalaw in May 2024 in the area of quantitative risk management.
- CEO and owner, Widmer Group GmbH, Herrliberg
- Global Head Portfolio Steering, Swiss Re, Zürich
- Head of Portfolio Management, Globalance Bank, Zürich
- Chief Investment Officer, Deutsche Asset Management, Zurich
- Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, Vontobel Asset Management, Zurich
- Interest Rate Risk Manager Adivsor, SBC Warburg, Zurich, London, Chicago
- Fixed Income Trader, J.P. Morgan, Zurich, London
- lic. oec. HSG, Finance
- Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA
- Investment Management Workshop, Harvard Business School, Boston
- Training programme Global Financial Markets, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, New York
- German
- English
- French