Alexander Seitz, MSc

Head Risk & Com­pli­ance, Found­ing Partner


Alex is a Found­ing Part­ner at Ave­laLaw with a broad range of expe­ri­ence in the finan­cial ser­vices indus­try. After his appren­tice­ship in com­mer­cial bank­ing, he gained first-hand expe­ri­ence in dif­fer­ent roles in invest­ment bank­ing and trad­ing and was sub­se­quent­ly focus­ing on gov­er­nance and reg­u­la­to­ry aspects in asset man­age­ment. 

Giv­en his breadth of exper­tise, Alex is our spe­cial­ist for process man­age­ment, risk and com­pli­ance mat­ters and Busi­ness Con­ti­nu­ity Man­age­ment. He advis­es our clients on all gov­er­nance, risk and com­pli­ance relat­ed mat­ters. Due to his tech­ni­cal skillset, he is also respon­si­ble for projects relat­ed to imple­men­ta­tion, enhance­ment and main­te­nance of our VELA appli­ca­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly devel­oped and tai­lored for the needs of our clients.

Pri­or to co-found­ing Ave­laLaw, Alex worked as Risk Man­ag­er for a glob­al asset man­age­ment firm based and list­ed in Zurich, Switzer­land. Before that, he worked for an asset man­age­ment bou­tique in Liecht­en­stein, where he was respon­si­ble for the Legal & Com­pli­ance department.

  • Found­ing Part­ner Ave­laLaw AG, Zurich, since May 2021
  • Project man­ag­er Cap­stoneLaw, Zurich
  • Risk Man­ag­er, GAM Invest­ment Man­age­ment (Switzer­land) Ltd., Zurich
  • Legal & Com­pli­ance Offi­cer, Swiss & Glob­al Asset Man­age­ment Ltd., Zurich
  • PRMIA mem­ber­ship
  • Not admit­ted to the bar
  • Mas­ter of Sci­ence, Bank­ing and Finan­cial Man­age­ment, Uni­ver­si­ty of Liecht­en­stein, Vaduz
  • Bach­e­lor of Arts, Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany
  • Ger­man
  • Eng­lish